Friday, July 13, 2012

Progress Nibbles

I'm calling it 'nibbles' because I know I've gotten something done even if it doesn't look like much! My computer desk is neater, the treadle only has sewing stuff on it, and my room stays neater. I took an under-used, smaller hanging file container and used it as a desk organizer. It now has folders for Incoming Bills, Notes, Notepads, and several for scrapbooking paper for the current project. This is a huge help for my desk! There are also two tins on the desk for holding other office supplies, since I have no drawers and a very small surface area. Each tin is about 2 inches deep, one is 8x10 inches and the other about 3x4 inches, so not large at all.

As usual I have several projects in the works. I did fix a stuffed animal and put her back where she goes. I still have to revamp the two older feather pillows, hem curtains, and finish working on that scrapbook as soon as I buy the supplies I need. I have a bit of clothing repairs to do, as well. Some can be dropped off at the seamstress as long as I remember to do it!

The decluttering has slowed down but not stopped. Partly because I am busier, partly because I think I've gotten through the top layers of easy-to-sort clutter. I am still working on it but it is somewhat delayed till I declutter the garden. I need to get the weeds out so that I can plant more food, before the summer is over! We can double crop some things in this area, and that's now the only way I will get some of this food in. First crop never got planted, second crop needs to go in soon. Hopefully this weekend!

3 stacks of books
grocer bag of fabric
1 full car trunk to thrift

2 books
linen for a dress