Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring is... gone?

It's been 80's the past few weeks; not so much a late spring as one that arrived late and breezed past on its way out. I've moved most of my closet from winter to summer. Linens have been changed, some are being upgraded - some of the kitchen towels are worn to the point of being see-through. The herbs on the patio have all shot to a foot tall and bushy, without so much as a watering from me.

Bookshelves were last night's focus. I now have a half-dozen books leaving, with plans to add a couple more to the pile by the weekend. These will either go to the paperback store for credit, or to thrift. A couple will be going directly to friends who will enjoy them. I still have one box of books I will be keeping that needs to come inside, and another box that is just cookbooks. I want to keep some recipes from the cookbooks and when I have copied out those, they will be going. After a year of not working on them, progress is once again being made.

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